Monday, March 30, 2009

Monday - Fifth Week of Lent

Today's readings: March 30, 2009
Reading One: Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 or 13:41c-62;
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6 ;
Gospel: Jn 8:1-11;
go to this page (for all three sections listed above on one page) And here's an audio file; & reflections (video)

I love today's readings - the story in Daniel is like a biblical Perry Mason (Perry Mason was one of my favorite shows too, the old B&W tv shows, not the much later movies). And for the Gospel, you get two amazing readings - including the option where Jesus declares that He is the Light of the world, which I find pretty fascinating given the topic of Saturday's post, and no - I did not look ahead.

Today I was planning on sharing another amazing story - of how good God has been to me, and it involved Psalm 23 - again.... hmmmm interesting Holy Spirit synchronicity. A few years ago, I sat next an older gentlemen in his 80s named David. Like myself, David came to mass everyday and also liked to get in early to be still and pray. I learned a lot about prayer from David, as he showed me by his example, about prayer in a listening mode. Not the variety of prayer where you say prayers and ask God for assistance - but just being absolutely still and listening. But what I remember most about David, was his Irish accent, and the way he wished me well at the "kiss of peace" part of the mass after the Lord's prayer. I mean, I will never forget it - love just poured out of this sweet man as he said Peace be with you Willy, (imagine how sweet Willy sounded with an Irish brogue - it was delightful :~). Well - many years went by, and every now and then David would miss mass because of a doctor appointment conflict, or he was doing something for a friend or family member. One day this happened, and I really didn't think much of it.

But then, while I was being quite in prayer and listening - something amazing happened. Another one of those fugue states- but this time I was totally transported into a different place. First I went through a dazzling array of colors, and then some clouds, and through a beautiful natural area in the sky that was just to beautiful too explain. I was just watching from a distance, and I saw David. Suddenly Jesus appeared on a hill and ran toward David and gave him the biggest bear hug, clasped his hands and they did a wonderful dance holding hands and spinning in a tight circle. Jesus said to him, David - my dear friend. Welcome, how I have longed to dance with you and see your eyes twinkle when we got to see each other face to face. Then David just did the most amazing Irish kind of river dance and he was spry as a young lad as he smiled and wept happy tears. And then I woke up suddenly because the priest, Father Reid came in and began mass. It took me a few moments to pull outta of the waking dream, but I will never forget the colors - so many rich and swirling colors.

The next day I learned that David died yesterday and wasn't coming back to ever give me that warm greeting - Peace with you Willy (the Irish brogue Willy). And I was kind of sad,, but soon remembered the dreamy fugue state from the day before. I think I have shared this story with maybe one or two people - because it is just too remarkable for anyone to believe - in fact the people I told it to thought I was imaging the whole thing but I wasn't. And for some reason - I looked at the psalm from the day before. The response was - I found my servant David. And I think it only comes up once every 2 years as an option. I shared this with Father Reid - and when he shared the sad (and happy news) of David's passing - he shared with the small group that Willy pointed out the response from yesterday's psalm - I have found my servant David. For those of us who knew the quiet gentle Irishman, no one doubted for a minute - because if David wasn't getting into heaven, the rest of us were in deep trouble. hahaha. He was a wonderful man, and I still miss him but I will never forget how he would say - Peace be with you Willy. So - in David's memory - I wrote a song to remember psalm 23 (not the responsorial from that day, but one of my favorite psalms from King David). I picked that one, because his daughter, who I had never met before - asked me to read at David's funeral mass. She told me David just loved me so much, he would want me to read. I felt it every time he offered me peace. I loved him too. The responsorial for the funeral - was psalm 23. Here's the song I wrote to help remember how Psalm 23 goes. My apologies for singing so badly, but I do remember the words anyway - and was able to remember them when I was in the hospital with a family that asked if anyone knew how psalm 23 went.

Please say a prayer for Stewart, Peter, Charlotte, Jim, Florence, Louise, Jennie, Claire and Michelle, Sara, Katie, Brian and Jenn, and if you have time - please say a prayer for me.