Friday, March 27, 2009

Friday - Fourth Week of Lent

Today's readings: March 27, 2009
Reading One: Wis 2:1a, 12-22;
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 34:17-18, 19-20, 21 and 23 ;
Gospel: Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30;
go to this page (for all three sections listed above on one page) And here's an audio file; & reflections (video)

We move closer and closer each day of Lent on a road of peace, and are given a choice, another chance - to pick which side of our duel nature we want to be. Day after day, with each day gone forever, the stakes get higher, the consequences of our actions today building upon a brighter future, or greater acts of futility. Will you be on the side that listens, and chooses to take refuge in God, forgive those who have caused you hurt and pain, & let it go ... or will you hold onto your opinion of your own righteousness, and the cancer that comes from the guilt, the shame and the inability to forgive. It is easy to look at all these things and see the transgressions of others - it is much more difficult to look at your own foolishness, and to ask God for help, and choose the path that on the face of it - a road that appears to be a path of destruction and violent death. It is violent. In truth, we get to choose a death to our own foolishness, or not. What awaits is rebirth, the life that comes from believing in God, seeking refuge in His words, and in His love. The salvation you seek, comes in doing what Jesus did - die to yourself for others. Forgiveness, mercy, and trusting in God alone leads to the treasure, The Kingdom of Heaven, which as - as He said - at hand. Now.

I am on the non-proverbial road today and tomorrow, a road that leads to Milwaukee, via Detroit - so today's comments are brief. Please pray for those you love, and tell them that you love them. And pray to God for the grace to forgive those who have hurt you. Take refuge in God, and He will rescue you from all your troubles. He will even rescue you from yourself.

Let me leave you with another song, a way to remember a prayer, in this case, another ancient prayer - St. Michael's Prayer. St. Michael is a archangel, like Gabriel the archangel - God's messenger. St. Michael the archangel is also known as God's Strength. A "heavy" prayer, not conducive to a song, which of course meant, I had to try. ahaha. Here it is, A Prayer to St. Michael.