Saturday, March 21, 2009

Saturday - Third Week of Lent

Today's readings: March 21, 2009
Reading One: Hos 6:1-6;
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 51:3-4, 18-19, 20-21ab ;
Gospel: Lk 18:9-14; go to this page (for all three sections listed above on one page) And here's an audio file; & reflections (video)

One could spend a few lifetimes on the words offered today. We begin with Hosea, chapter 6 - which goes backwards from yesterday, when we got chapter 14. (My favorite part is still chapter 11, but the whole story is worth the time to read it. I think it might take you 20 minutes, Do you have that much time to offer God? Remember, the goal is to love God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength. Got 20 minutes?).

Here's the message I get from today's words - which are all centered on a short phrase - Show mercy, not sacrifice. What does that mean? Like I said, you spend a lifetime on just those four words - it takes a long time to learn what they really mean, and longer to live it. But the reward is beyond explanation. But I am going too fast - what does it mean? Well, back in ye olden days, the Israelites would fire up their Reuben Weber grills, and barbeque some meat, as an offering of love to God. This was their sacrifice to God. Before you judge these old guys too harshly, times were tough - there was no supermarket down the street, it actually took a lot of effort to grill. But God explained through the prophets, that was not what he wanted. I mean, he did make the animals too and I do not think he really needs us as his personal chef. What he wants from us, is mercy. Mercy? huh? Yes, mercy. We are to show mercy to each other, and this mercy allows us to actually really, deeply love each other.

Look at the pharisee in today's Gospel. We might get really happy with this Gospel reading as we mumble to ourselves, I am not like that Pharisee, but I ask you to look deeper. How much time do you spend, outside of church, complaining about what someone does to you that you find annoying. Is a neighbor's leaf blower too loud, does that woman over there always run her mouth, is that man over there such an arrogant little so and so? Come on, admit it, draw the issue up in front of your eyes and see the truth. Still not convinced? How about politics? Is the (pick you opposing party) such an idiot? Or why are those people so... whatever. I think you get my point. But if need help, listen to Luke's explanation.
Jesus addressed this parable
to those who were convinced of their own righteousness
and despised everyone else.
The key phrase - and despised everyone else. On my road through this life, I was in that spot - BIG TIME. So many things in my life were not going my way at all, and I got frustrated, and annoyed and angry as a hornet. Finally I reached the point where I felt just about everyone was an idiot. It was insidious trap, a slippery slope, I didn't get there in a day or a week, I didn't even know it was happening to me. And you can probably guess what reaction I got from others. People avoided me, as no matter what I said, the ugliness in my heart came through my words. The good news is eventually you die to this beast. And there's a flip side, an alternate universe emerges that is awesome. Basically, I got so low and broken from my own foolishness - that I was forced to acknowledge my prideful sins, and was humbled to the point where I asked God if he would be so kind as to allow me into the body of Christ, I would be happy to be the toenail fungus in this body. I screwed up so badly, and got so low, I actually was blessed to be filled with something a million times more amazing than me being strong. How does it manifest itself in each wonderful day? When I get coffee at McDonalds, I feel honored to speak with someone so lovely and wonderful. Every single person is vital, manifesting God in wonderful and unique ways I could never imagine. I need learn from every word that comes out of their mouths. Everyone is so much more beautifu than I could ever be. It is awesome because everyone is a total thrill. And every single creature is forgiven for whatever foolishness they might do, because I know it happens to people. It happened to me. It hurts. Instead of despising others, I see them as Rock Stars, Movie Legends, Saints, Heroes, - why everyone is amazing, just awesome and I am left feeling honored to even be in their presence. The impossible puzzle of who God is, and what he looks like, is slowly revealed in everyone's face, each smile, and even silly things they might say or do. How's that you ask? Well, I am blessed to show that person mercy, as I remember how Jesus was merciful to me, when I did nothing to deserve it, was perfectly guilty of being a fool, God showed me perfect mercy. Whenever I run into people that get my dander up - I am eager and quick to pause, as I remember how God showed mercy to me. And I smile, thinking what a wonderful and generous God - who allows me to share this gift of mercy to someone else. He lets me wear His crown for this moment.

Try it out for yourself and spend an hour, or a day, of a week or a lifetime where you imagine yourself as the least of everyone out there. In this alternate universe - everyone is worthy of all your love, in fact you feel honored to give it freely. Try it out. It is an awesome world when you see it with eyes that look up to every person in it.