Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tuesday, Second Week of Lent

Daily Readings for Lent
Today's readings: March 22, 2011
First Reading: Is 1:10, 16-20
Responsorial PsalmPs 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21 and 23 ;
GospelMt 23:1-12 ;

And here's an audio file and a video of a priest offering reflections.

Jesus tells His followers that they need to listen to the scribes and pharisees because they do know and understand the law. But they are not to follow their example, since they all too often do not set a very good example. After all, in another passage - Jesus tells us to be perfect, like your Father in heaven is perfect. Of course there are many very good priests, who are wonderful men and good shepherds of their flock. But they are always less than perfect.

I have found it somewhat strange over the years, how so many people are looking for a good "vibe" in the church they wish to attend. Which in all too many cases means they seem to be searching for a preacher that agrees with their world view, so they can feel good about themselves. If you take the preacher's homily out of the equation and just listen to the words of the readings, psalms and the Gospel - they are not easy words to hear sometimes. They are challenging, they very often leave you feeling that you need a lot of work to do, and that what you are doing is not right, or perhaps in nee of much improvement.

And I found myself wondering to myself - how a man's words, albeit the Son of God's words, who came to us in human form - are still hard to hear sometimes over 2,000 years later. And at the same time the words are true and very comforting. I always pray that my ears might listen well, and that my mind and my heart might soak in the message, like rain in a garden. A human life is just a blink of an eye, and at the same time it is a long growing season, going through many cycles and changes.

Don't be afraid to listen and change. Don't be afraid to grow. Truth is, Jesus is offering you good advice to assist you in making your joy complete.