Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thursday First Week of Lent

Daily Readings for Lent
Today's readings: March 17, 2011
First Reading: Est: 12, 14-16, 23-25
Responsorial Psalm: 138: 1-2ab, 2cde-3, 7c-8
Gospel: Matthew 7:7-12 ;

And here's an audio file and a video of a priest offering reflections.

Happy St. Patrick's Day !!!!

I am just so grateful. I am grateful to be here. I am grateful to be alive.   ~Saint Patrick 

Today's readings offer assistance on prayer, a similar theme to what was offered on Tuesday, March 15th as we reflected on the Lord's Prayer. We are reminded that Lent is a time to grow closer in our relationship with God, and one of the best ways to do this is in prayer. 

We use prayer as a way to talk with God. For most, this might mean just us talking, and not spending anytime in prayer - listening. Mother Teresa once shared that it took her a long time to learn how to listen during her prayer time, even though she found the listening to be much more fruitful than part where she spoke. Give it a try today - and try and spend more time listening in prayer. It will take a lifetime, but you have to take a first step sometime. Take that step, and I suspect Jesus will walk a mile closer to you, and do great things to close the gap. 

Please pray for the people of Japan in the hour of trial.