Monday, March 21, 2011

Monday, Second Week of Lent

Daily Readings for Lent
Today's readings: March 21, 2011
First Reading: Dn 9:4b-10
Responsorial Psalm:  Ps 79:8, 9, 11 and 13 ;
GospelLk 6:36-38 ;

And here's an audio file and a video of a priest offering reflections.

 So when we stand before God, how will be judged? What criteria will be used in deciding whether or not we will join the sheep? or the goats? Today's readings spell it out very clearly. We will be judged by how much we show mercy to others.

If you find yourself angry at someone else, holding a grudge, or worse - wanting to seek vengence of any kind, say a prayer to be still, stop it, and get back on the right track. Whenever you carry such thoughts, feelings or anger - you only weigh down yourself. You only make it worse for yourself and those you love. The truth seems to be - you will be judged by how you love your enemies.