Saturday, March 26, 2011

Saturday Secons Week of Lent

Daily Readings for Lent
Today's readings: March 26, 2011
First Reading: Mi 17:14-15, 18-20 ;
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 103:1-2, 3-4, 9-10, 11-12 ;
Gospel: Luke 15:1-3, 11-32 ;

And here's an audio file and a video of a priest offering reflections.

Today's Gospel reading offers the familiar story of the Prodigal Son. Yes, I know. You have heard it before. Now, I ask you to hear it for the first time and allow the words to sink in as if they are novel and life changing. And go and read it again with heart and mind.

Upon hearing the reading, most people tend to hear the story from a point of you. Are you the Prodigal Son? The older brother who stayed on the father's land and helped him with the chores? Are you the Father? I think the truth is, at some point in our lives - we are each of the characters. It is an interesting exercise to hear it and to relate to each of the characters.

And again - the ongoing message of Lent is to grow in mercy and forgiveness. To forgive others, just as Jesus forgives you, and loves you with all His heart. He never gives up on you, even if you have given up on yourself. If you find yourself in the uncomfortable position of carrying many extra rocks in your knapsack as you walk on the road of life - learn to drop them and walk on without the baggage. The rocks are the people and the beautiful souls, made by God, that you refuse to show mercy to, and to forgive them.

Saint Francis of Assisi offered a lovely reflection on how to enable yourself to forgive when it is hard.
Can true humility and compassion exist in our words and eyes unless we know we too are capable of any act? 

And I also wanted to pass on a lovely event in my backyard yesterday. On the Solemnity of the Annunciation, where the Virgin Mary is told by the archangel Gabrielle that she will bear a son, who is the Son of God. Last summer I made a little sculpture, shrine, fountain for a statue of the Virgin Mary. It is delightful to look at and the sound of running water is quite serene. Anyway - the apple tree that fans out around the shrine decided it was time to blossom on this special day. There were no blossoms on it Thursday, but on this wonderful day marking our celebration of the annunciation, it looked this.
Please say some prayers today for me if you get a chance, and also - say the Our Father from a spot so deep in your heart, that the angels tremble at the beauty and aroma of the Lord's prayer.