Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thursday After Ash Wednesday

Daily Readings:
First Reading: Dt 30:15-20  Responsorial Psalm: 1: 1-2, 3,4, 6
Gospel: Luke 9: 22-25
AUDIO  ~~  VIDEO Reflections

If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself
and take up his cross daily and follow me. 

This is the message of the day, and indeed every day for all Christians. On the face of it, it sounds harsh to many. How many prayers begin with a request to take this heavy burden from me God? Unfortunately, when you bemoan and focus on your troubles, the weight of the burden will only get larger. Yes, it makes it worse. So, for a change trust Jesus and just do it. Pick up your cross and follow this divine example of gentleness and humble of heart. The first steps might indeed be difficult, but rest assured our Lord gives good and loving advice. The joy that awaits, when you really understand His words, that the yoke is easy and the burden is light, is nothing short of euphoric. You will find yourself thinking less of yourself, and more about others - helping them carry their burden. And as you move toward this goal, you will indeed find that that weight of your own cross is not a burden at all, but in fact a blessing because of the empathy and love that comes from helping others in need.

When you lose your life for the sake of Jesus, you will save it.