Sunday, February 22, 2009

Patience is a Virtue

Like most people, I often get all caught up in some crazy whirl of the 21st century. It manifests itself in being in a hurry, not being patient when someone is asking for my attention, or missing the chance to say thank you, and here I mean saying thank you to God. I think that is why church on Sunday is so important. It really does change you, at least it changes me. That I know for sure.

Today I was given the opportunity to watch it in action, participating in something where it felt like I was nothing more than a spectator, though in truth, God in his generosity, allowed me to be a player in the little theater of a one act play that unfolded. No great Earth shattering experience, but it was lovely all the same.

I was driving home from church, about one mile from my house. In front of me was a man in a little truck with a funny felt hat. He pulled up to the stop sign and looked to the left. Then he looked to the right. And again. Clearly he had lost his bearings, or something I didn't know what was up. But he just sat at that stop sign. Yes, a part of me was getting very annoyed, I was almost home - and I think 45 seconds had elapsed with the man just sitting there at the stop sign. Eventually someone came from the cross street and he waved him to go ahead. I have no idea why this time, I was peaceful and patient. (well - other than coming home from church, it does change you). Eventually he saw me in the rear view mirror and went forward. He got to the end of the street, and went to the left, a dead end cul-de-sac, and was turning around. I rolled down my window, and asked if he need help. Yes he said. I do. My daughter is having a baby and I need to go to Presbyterian Hospital,but I think they gave me the wrong instructions. What a perfect chance to pull out the Blackberry with google maps and find out where to send him to see his new grandchild. I was honored to help. It seems someone wrote the instructions in haste, and he needed to go to exit 23, not exit 28.

He was soon on his way. But before he left, he looked me in the eye and gazed hard. You know, a real look into someone's eyes. And he told me - God bless you. I smiled back, knowing He already has blessed me beyond anything I deserve, and continues to fill me with most precious gifts that are all too often, beyond what I can even imagine. And I said God bless you too. The child will have a terrific Grandpa.

Yep, going to church is a good thing, and good for you. Next time I get impatient because someone is on their cell phone and sitting at a green light, I hope I remember what happened today. And how all those prayers asking for patience were indeed being answered.

And thanks to all my friends who prayed to St. Anthony - that I might find my motorcycle key. I went through the house again, looked in pockets, and found a key. It was not the key I was looking for, the one with the bright red string on it, so I could find it easy. Oddly enough, it was a key that I had lost about a year ago. hahaha. But it worked like a charm, and I was able to take a short bike ride today. Thanks again for your prayers and good wishes.