Monday, March 16, 2009

Monday - Third Week of Lent

Today's readings: March 16, 2009
Reading One: 2 Kgs 5:1-15ab;
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 42:2, 3; 43:3, 4 ;
Gospel: Lk 4:24-30; go to this page (for all three sections listed above on one page) And here's an audio file; & reflections (video)

The one who is the greatest - is the one who is the least, a slave. I think the message for today is all about humility. Namaan was a great man, who contracted leprosy - and he heard from the slave girl about a great prophet who might be able to heal him. His heart was ready - but when Elijah told him to do something simple, he balked at the remedy, until a simple slave set him straight. Likewise, the folks in the Gospel reading thought Jesus was great, but when he told them some stories from the Old Testament, stories they knew and believed, they turned on Jesus in anger because the stories made them feel like they were no longer the chosen people of God. They lost their humility.

On Tuesday evenings, I teach an amazing group of 6th graders, but in truth - it is always these kids who teach me. They teach me what innocence is, they teach me about having a pure heart, they teach about so many things it is not possible for me to write them all down. Thank you to all my sweet kids in 6th grade religious education, who instruct the teacher.

Last week I shared with them a way to help understand humility, and how God fills us with His strength when we are weak. How in weakness, we become strong, because we are filled with God's strength. I did not make up this demonstration, I do not know who did, but I will pass it on. I went over to the sink and filled up a coffee carafe with water. I said to them, this water represents God's life giving water. The I took a balloon and said this represents our pride, how full of ourselves we might be, or as the expression goes - having a big head. I put the balloon in the carafe filled with water and blew it up. The air, hot air no doubt - displaced the God's life giving water and it spilled out over the sides and into the sink. I explained, when we have a big head, there's no room for God's life giving water. But when we are humble, the life giving water can fill up our souls. I let the water out of the balloon and filled up the carafe. I am not sure if they really understood the lesson that night, but I prayed that they might one day when they need it most. And I have faith that my prayer was heard, and hope that God in his kindness, will help them out when they get too full of themselves, and that this simple lesson might serve them well, giving them the real strength that only comes from God. At the times they will need it most. And also, that they will learn to stay humble, like they are now as children, so that they will always be filled with God's strength, which is so much more than a bunch of hot air. Please pray for me - I need to learn this lesson every day, and to apply it every day. Because at some time during the day, I screw up and start blowing up the balloon.