Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ash Wednesday

Today's readings: February 25, 2009
Reading One: Jl 2:12-18 ;
Responsorial Psalm: 51:3-4, 5-6ab, 12-13, 14 and 17 ;
Reading Two: 2 Cor 5:20-6:2 ;
Gospel : Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 ;
go to this page(for all three sections listed above on one page)
here's some audio file; & reflections (video)

The day began a little later than expected, waking up at 5:00 am in lieu of the usual 4:15 time, when my dog asks to go out and explore the wonderful things of the new day. Which worked out fine, as I stayed up late and took in the evening show of Slumdog Millionaire with a dear friend. Each of us had already seen it before, but it is the kind of movie you find all kinds of new things each time you watch it. Salim, a brother who is often less than a perfect brother his whole life, finds a way out of his mess in one final act of amazing sacrifice and generosity. His final words - God is Great, was a wonderful way to begin Lent (the movie ended about 12:01am).

This morning the day started with trying to do my best to figure out where and what to read in the new four volume set of the Divine Office. I have not had a chance to look over a companion book I got to help me, called The Divine Office for Dodos. Hmmm, maybe I should have done more research.

One of my greatest blessings is taking communion to the sick. If you are a Eucharist minister, by all means consider giving this ministry a try. I suspect you will have the same experience - where you find yourself blessed beyond description, and benefit from giving up just a little bit of your time, for the Love of Christ and God's children. I think for every baby step we take to get closer to Jesus, He takes 20 giant steps toward us. Why He has been so kind to one as undeserving as myself makes little sense to me, other than what scripture says about it. How He chooses the least to do wonderful things, so that you know the Glory comes from Him alone, and not from man. Since sharing my joy about this ministry is apeears to be direct opposition to what is written in the Gospel today (v. 3 & 4)... I certainly qualify as a lout. But please forgive me, my hope is that others find the joy in this service that comes with the territory. Since 99.9% of the people reading this have no clue who I am, I hope God forgives me too, and makes my intent for sharing this joy pure and full of love.

After a bit of reflection, I decided to go to the mountains on the first leg of my journey, off to Franklin, NC to St Francis of Assisi church where, God willing I will celebrate mass at 9:00am with one of my favorite priests in the Diocese of Western Carolina (I love all of you priests, don't worry :~). But Father Tien will always have a special place in my heart. The grace he received during his many years in prison in Vietnam shine like a glorious crown. His crime? Being a devout Catholic. Please find time today to pray for all priests and religious, giving thanks for the example they provide, the bread of life they assist in bringing to the faithful, and also the love they have for all us of little lambies.

Finally - I ask that you offer some prayers for George Mangan, aka Chief who died yesterday of cancer. He was my favorite teacher in high school, and passed quietly after many years of suffering. He not only taught me a lot about how to live, but also about how to die. A great man, May God welcome him home and may he rest in peace. I also ask that you say some prayers for Charlotte, still recovering from head injuries, Amanda, a nine year with brain cancer, Morgan, a five year old girl with serious digestive problems who was released from the hospital the other day, and Peter, a young teenager who became ill from too many years of being taunted by classmates for being different. And for young 33 year old man, the son of a friend who is pondering a vocation to the priesthood. Thank you, and please pray for me, that I might better serve Christ without fear, in a world that seems to take great umbrage in His words of kindness, mercy, forgiveness, generosity and love. May God bless you and keep you safe.